
Saturday, July 13, 2013

Self-Charging Electric Car - Philippines' hope from oil independence

Ismael Aviso Self-Charging Electric Car
                             by Sterling D. Allan
                             Pure Energy Systems News
                             Saturday, February 5, 2011

A "bare-bones" version of Aviso's Self-Charging Electric Car
When we hear of electric vehicles, we typically envision a trunk full of batteries. Not so with an electric vehicle prototype developed by Filipino inventor, Ismael Aviso. In his small prototype vehicle, one 12-volt battery is all that is needed, because his vehicle is not running from the storage capacity of the battery, but the battery is merely serving as the delivery point for the energy that is being harvested from unseen energy all around us through his special circuitry.

This is reminiscent of Nikola Tesla's Pierce-Arrow electric automobile conversion that he ran on a little black box, extracting energy freely somehow from the wheelwork of nature, requiring no petrol.

Aviso has been working on this for 13 years but recently achieved a major milestone, posting a video to YouTube showing his vehicle running for around 10 minutes back and forth in his long garage, with passengers on January 31, 2011; but the battery stayed full.

First of all, the 11 kilowatt DC motor should have very quickly drained the one battery. Aviso says that "there is no one else who can run an 11 kilowatt motor on just one 12-volt battery." So that was the first feat.

Secondly, at the end of the demonstration, the voltage on the battery was 13 — higher than the rated 12.6 volts for the stock battery. Acceleration takes a lot of energy. Stopping and starting like that repeatedly should have sucked a battery bank down. Yet the battery stayed full.

Here's the video of their demo. It's not entertainment material, but it is an excellent demo in content. Even though they don't show a "before" shot of the battery voltage, the stock specs of the Motolite battery can easily be looked up, to show that their "full" voltage is 12.6 volts.

Aviso said that this is made possible by an antenna that receives energy from signals in the range of 750 megahertz to 1.2 gigahertz. He says that once he tunes his device to the proper resonance, "any signal within that range will be collected to boost the power of the battery", enabling one battery to power his vehicle. He names the effect "Fymeg" (FYMEGM) energy, in memory of two of his late friends who helped in the earlier phases of the project. In contrast to the Bedini and Bearden technologies which are high impedance, his technology is based on low impedance and high voltage.

He did the demo in the garage because the weather was unpredictable. The next day, he posted a video of them driving around his neighborhood: a third-world depiction, that he said he would like to uplift once this technology takes hold.

In looking at his earlier videos, you can see that he stripped down the vehicle to its bare minimal requirements – making it easy to see that there are no hidden power sources or other devices that could be accounting for the power being demonstrated. This version is also greatly simplified from earlier ones that involved banks of capacitors and other electronics equipment.

This whole scenario brings to mind for me a prophecy: "And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are…" (1 Corinthians 1:28)

Aviso envisions a retrofit kit costing around $3000 (not including labor) to enable a petrol vehicle to be converted to electric using this technology. He likes to compare that to the $25000 price tag usually accompanying conversion to run on an AC motor; or the $12000 price tag for conversion to run on a DC motor.

He said that his technology is ready for demonstration to qualified parties who are ready to help them move forward with the funding and expertise they need.

A screen shot of GMA network's interview with Ismael Aviso 
Once he gets adequate funding, he plans to file patents simultaneously worldwide. So he is not disclosing how it works yet, just that it does work. He said that the equipment that will be required to measure the ambient frequencies around the device costs around $150,000; and this will be one of the tests that will need to be done fairly soon to characterize what is going on with the device.

He hopes to get some support from the Philippine government to get some funding to do proper third party testing.

But this isn't all. There's more where that came from.


Once Aviso gets adequate funding, whether from investors and/or from sales of this first product, he wants to finish developing another technology he's been working on – creating an electric piston engine using his repelling force. He demonstrates this force in a video, showing a 1 kilogram weight flying about 15 feet into the air, the ejection having been powered by one AA battery. Aviso envisions replacing a fuel-based combustion engine with this electro-motive-force-driven engine.

Sir Ismael Aviso, we're proud of you!

Please visit the PESWIKI site for more information and to support Aviso's invention. 


Photo credit:
GMA Network

Video credit:


  1. I hope our government will help you , imagine Pilinoy car sold to Other country

    when India invent there own car , Im Not Happy be course were last.

    Pinoy Rule . Don't sell this invention you invention like Flores

  2. First things first. I hope pres. Pnoy will fund this firstly for our military... Then perhaps for comercial afterwards... Kawawa naman ang mga sundalo natin specialy in spratly binobuly palage sa china...

  3. You are better off to build kits and sell the technology to the people so the technology gets out there. I know I am a high up free mason and just because you are a mason does not mean you have any knowledge, it has to be shared to you in private.

    Build kits and get the technology out there if the lord gave you the vision and you do not do the lords work while you are still on this earth, i would not want to die in the person's shoes when i have to go meet my maker.

    I have my own system i am working on with Alternators and electronics to turn on at cetain speeds and use the weight of the car moving forwards to spin certain Alternators and forget others who says it will not work, you have capacitors and you can gear up pullies to make it doable. Charge on the go while in motion but you need electronics involved.
    If anyone has a free energy device and you need funding and you have a working model, free money for you and you keep your intellectual property quite and to your self. All we ask is with the money we will give is used to perfect a kit and to sell it to the people who become members of our society to learn how to grow your own non GMO foods at home. Will have a pre paid debit card program attached the members will get paid to donate funds each month to pay inventors to bring out these free energy devices to the people and not to banks or politicians.

  4. Here is my email if anyone who has a free energy device wants free money to develop for the people not any corporations.
