
Thursday, July 4, 2013

Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS) - a Filipino invention

Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS) 
Comparison of the traditional heart incision and the MICS incision

Most cardiac operations today are performed through a sternotomy, which involves splitting the entire breastbone. Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery (MICS), also known as MICS CABG (Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery/Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting) or The McGinn Technique encom-passes a variety of operations performed through incisions that are substantially smaller and less traumatic than the standard sternotomy. Minimally invasive incisions measure about 3 to 4 inches compared to 8 to 10 sternotomy incisions. Specialized handheld and robotic instruments are used to project the dexterity of the surgeon’s hands through these small incisions in performing the operations.
Dr. Francis Duhaylongsod

The Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery was invented by Francis Duhaylongsod, a Filipino heart surgeon in Hawaii. The first minimally invasive heart cardiac surgery was performed in the United States on January 21, 2005 at The Heart Institute at Staten Island University Hospital in Staten Island, New York by a team led by Dr. Joseph T. McGinn. This technique is an off-pump coronary artery bypass surgery. The procedure is much less invasive than traditional bypass surgery because it is performed through three small incisions rather than the traditional sternotomy. Since its first procedure, over 900 MICS CABG procedures have been performed at The Heart Institute amongst many more around the world.

Minimally Invasive Heart Surgery is favored by surgeons and patients because of reduced post-operative discomfort, faster healing times and lowered risk of infections or complications. This procedure makes heart surgery possible for patients who were previously considered to be too at risk for traditional surgery due to age or medical history. Patients referred for this procedure may have Coronary Artery Disease (CAD); Triple Vessel Disease with median to large posterior descending artery (PDA); or previous unsuccessful stenting.

Surgeries involving MICS
  • Aortic valve surgery
  • Atrial septal defect closure, including patent foramen ovale
  • Atrioventricular canal defect (also called atrioventricular septal defect) surgery
  • Coronary bypass surgery (including "off-pump" bypass surgery, which is performed while the heart is still beating without a cardiopulmonary bypass machine) to treat coronary artery disease
  • Heart valve surgery to treat heart valve disease
  • Maze heart surgery to treat atrial fibrillation
  • Mitral valve surgery
  • Saphenous vein harvest (removing a vein from your leg) for coronary bypass surgery
  • Tricuspid valve surgery 


Minimally invasive surgery confers many advantages over standard approaches derived largely from the reduced trauma to the chest wall tissues. The benefits of minimally invasive cardiac surgery include:
  • Smaller incisions
  • Smaller scars
  • Reduced infection risk
  • Less blood loss
  • Less pain
  • Shorter hospital stays. Stays after minimally invasive operations are from 3 to 5 days compared to 5 to 7 days for traditional sternotomy-based cardiac operations.
  • Fewer physical restrictions. Patients undergoing standard incision cardiac operations are restricted from driving an automobile or lifting objects weighing more than 5 pounds while patients undergoing minimally invasive cardiac surgery are not subject to these restrictions
  • Shorter recovery time. Recovery times after minimally invasive operations are from 2 to 4 weeks compared to 6 to 8 weeks for standard sternotomy-based cardiac operations. 
This invention proved the genius mind of Filipinos. They are capable of inventing things like other human races. However, the sad fact is most Filipino inventors and discoverers lack support from their government. Thus, they seek support from other countries that are willing to develop their products and ideas. As a result, foreigners benefit most from their inventions instead of their fellow countrymen.

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  1. Filipino invention pala 'to? Akala ko American surgeon ang inventor nito.
    Proud to be Pinoy!

  2. Saan pong hospital pwede i perform ito?

  3. How much? For OHS kasi ako repair or replacement ng mitral valve.
